Please tell me I Can't. I Dare you

There are many things that can inspire and motivate a human being. Could be words of encouragement, could be the success they’ve had in the past, could be music, could be a movie, could be anything. we find motivation in everything we see, feel, breath, ANYTHING.

We all find motivation in different ways though.

What works for me might not work for you or the other way around.

What works for me? Tell me I can’t do something.

If you look at everything around me, everything I have been able to do or accomplish came after a No. it came after someone told I am not capable or prepared to do such thing. It came after someone doubted me.

I know it’s weird, but I look forward to people telling me I can’t. it gives me that fire needed to light up my fucking world. Gives me that urge to show that I can & I will.

So, don’t ever get discourage by a no. Take it and use as a motivation to show whoever it was that you can. Nothing feels better than having that person swallow their words.

Fuck them & be Great.
You’re already Great.


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